Wednesday, March 30, 2011

This is my heart crying out, this is me, on my knees.

I think people who continually seek things with their whole heart have life.
I think someone who stands there in complacency doesn't. 
I think people who believe in something, but are willing to listen and change, get it. 
I think people who stick to the same old beliefs without listening are blind and foolish. 
I think people with open hearts, who stand under an open heaven, understand how beautiful God is.
I think people who judge others, count themselves as holy, and refuse to see the heart or the soul don't. 
I think that people who believe in and have seen hope will continue to have everlasting joy.
I think those that can't or won't see hope don't. 
I think that people who hunger and thirst for more have seen, and will see favor.
I think people who think they have it all, don't see favor.
I think servants understand the love of God.
I think the self righteous don't. 
I think that atheists have a better understanding of God than many Christians.
I think that many Christians think they know, but don't really.
I think that people who love others whole heartedly understand grace.
I think that people who look at the outside rather than the inside don't. 
I think that despite all our failings, grace and mercy will follow us for the rest of our lives,
despite my failings, grace and mercy will follow me for the rest of my life.
it brings me to tears every time.

© Julia Bethany

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it!