Saturday, April 16, 2011

Crap! I think my brain is failing me ...

Sometimes I wonder, really wonder how my words don't come out sounding like this :
shiuht9hoawrhfouqhafkabfkjhasdfhkasjfhas;lhgalkhgfjakhbfajskbdaskjbgfajdbgfvajkbhfwe; lajsnfdhasljkfnhalb. I mean really. My brain is so full of CRAP that I don't even know where to begin half the time, and then man, if you catch me when I'm tired, good luck translating anything I say into the human language. I only wish the people who think that I'm this scatter brained, fluffy headed person could see into my brain. Because then, and only then, will they realize that really, scatter brained does not describe me. Most of the time I have too and I can't come up with a coherent sentence to describe it all. So, basically this post is to remind you all why I write on this blog. I write because it is a vain attempt to spew some of my thoughts on the screen, in the hope that my actually intelligent, well read brain could get some rest by lightening the load for a little while ... until I think about why I am lightening the load and this whole process starts all over again. Good Grief. OK. Shutting up now! Just letting you know I'm still here! Finals are here too, which is why I am hyped up on coffee and studying my ass off! Good luck to the rest of you with finals! So long! OK, really I am done now ...
This is officially my lamest blog post ever. 

© Julia Bethany


Phoenix said...

I understand what you're saying when you are tired. <3 We get along WELLL when we are both tired.. after swimming.. and A&A... and waiting 2 hours for amovie.. texting my angry dad.. watching an innapropriate movie together.. <3 love you JU

me and my kaleidoscope heart said...

Yup. Were pretty awesome!