In the form of many things, I keep receiving precious stones.
These stones are not always received with an open heart,
but whether these stones come in the form of something like
truth, laughter and love,
joy and light,
the vibrancy of life,
or perhaps something subtle and poignant, like grace.
whatever these stones may entail,
it is soon realized that they act as a healing balm,
to a hurting, weary and thirsty heart.
Whether the hurt was self inflicted,
or whether it was unjustly received,
these stones, while not always received well
by this intrinsically designed heart,
provide a freedom not known before.
This heart feels a freedom to be itself,
The freedom to bask in the love of God.
With no guilt. No shame. No judgement.
These stones, provide this heart the strength
to break the chains holding it back.
These stones provide this heart with
the courage to fail. The courage to choose.
And what this heart chooses to accept is
freedom, grace and mercy.
Because that is what perfect love is all about.
© Julia Bethany
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