Tuesday, December 7, 2010

last day of math

So today is my last day of math. Am I sad? No. However I am sad that my fellow math friends and I are going separate ways. I am sad because the relationship I have spent two semesters building with my teacher is coming to a close. I hate to admit it but I enjoy math here at CNC, I love my teacher and my fellow classmates. I love the fact that we can laugh at ourselves and that we can all relate because Math is a different language to us. I am going to miss feeling accepted and those warm fuzzy feelings I get while in the math lab, all of us struggling through the math and then someone starts talking about Dexter and popcorn and all of a sudden we are distracted for the next ten minutes, laughing our guts out at the teachers hilarious stories. I love it. I am thinking about auditing one of her Math 103 Classes next semester, and if I like it I will enroll next year. All this is leading up to the fact that I have realized that Math does not have to be the bane upon my life, it can actually be enjoyable. I am no longer saying that I hate math, I am saying I love it! <3

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