Monday, December 6, 2010

oops . . .Sorry Jenn ahem: Sociology

So for Sociology I have to journal about how the media has affected my life thus far. So here goes.
Until I was twelve years old my family never had a TV. Surprising? Yes. Until I was twelve TV was something special, it was something that required my parents going to the church and borrowing one, bringing it home, setting it up and then finally, FINALLY, we could watch a movie. Or, we would go to my grandparents when they were in Arizona for the winter and watch a movie there. That was even more exciting because they had cable too! I remember our first TV being this cheap thing from Wal - Mart  (Walmart) neither one looks right, anyhow, we could watch movies on this thing, and even bought a DVD player. Then, when it died a few years later we got my grandfather's decrepit one from the early nineties (no, seriously) and (unfortunately in my opinion) it is still kicking. However, I have had a laptop of my own for the past two years, before that we had an ancient computer with dial - up. Then, we got a new computer and I got a laptop, therefore making us need wireless internet! Shall we say upgrade? Now I spend a lot of time on my computer. When I say a lot, I mean A LOT! I can watch TV on my laptop, do homework, go on facebook, email and I have the whole world wide web at my fingertips. Sometimes I open up Google and just stare, wondering what to type in. 
So, to say the least I was not and am not deprived in any way shape or form. By not having a TV in my home I was able to read. I am an avid reader. Growing up my television was watching my dad read me Little House on the Prairie books with different voices and hand gestures. Then I could read them for myself. I believe that this gave me a creative (and most times far to overactive) imagination. To this day I still make up my own stories in my head. Instead of staying inside and watching TV I was outside climbing trees and hanging with my best friends at the time, my cousins. I was reading about pirates, dragons, and stories like Anne of Green Gables and Little House on the Prairie. And not to brag I did get 45/100 on the BBC's: "I bet you most people haven't even read Six of these books" list. I believe that this is very beneficial, and I hope to do the same for my own children. I hope to encourage them to read, and imagine things and to go outside and play. I'm not judging one parent out there by saying all that, it is just what I hope to do. 
As for the work place I am in awe of Starbucks machinery and technology. It truly is amazing. But, after all, I did come from Dairy Queen where, well . . .let us just not go there. As for education things like Moodle and Blackboard are incredible, not to mention power points. 
In the end I think that Media has grown so large and complicated that it overshadows everything in our daily living. This has both negative and positive effects. 
Word Count: 536 (excluding the first two little sentences of explaining what I was doing.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks. Great overview!