Friday, September 30, 2011

Oh Hope, you elusive slight of hand.

Something that I have strongly come to believe in recently is hope. Hope is like the breadth of life. It pours into your soul like rain in a desert. It goes past all boundaries and speaks to your heart. It brings life to your spirit. It brings songs to your lips, and purpose to your walk. However, there is nothing so elusive as hope. Hope can run through your fingertips like running water. It can run faster than you can. It hides in the shadows, watching and waiting. My point in this whole post is this, while hope is this beautiful, tangible thing, it can also be this elusive bastard, running and seemingly laughing in your face. Which is why, in the end, I think hope comes down to choice. You can choose to let hope speak to your heart, you can choose to see hope in a child's eyes, you can choose to see hope for your future, you can choose hope so that you can have life. Or, you can let hope go, you can let it run through your fingertips, because after all, you aren't good enough for it. Why should you be able to have something so precious as hope? What on earth makes you think you deserve something so ethereal and beautiful? Well, I repeat, it comes down to choice. Seeing the fact that we are not worthy to receive the large amount of grace that we do, being able to comprehend that, and then being able to look into the future full of hope and belonging is a choice. You can choose to sit in the dark hellhole of self condemnation , and believe, truly believe that you aren't worthy. Or you can look past yourself, and embrace the bright future that is in front of you, and never, ever let go of hope.

© Julia Bethany

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